HR100R Heat Recovery Top Access
- Controls condensation and odours
- Eliminates mould growth
- Up to 70% Heat Recovery - Saves energy
- Extremely quiet operation
- Two speed settings
- ERP exempt (<30W)

Product Overview
The HR100R and HR100RS are ideal for single bedrooms/bathroom applications situated in hotel rooms, nursing homes and residential care homes.
The HR100R features top access making it ideal for loft installations.
The HR100RS features bottom access for installation on the slab above a suspended ceiling.
The HR100R/RS is a self-contained heat recovery unit for mounting in lofts and suspended ceilings. The unit is supplied without controls to allow for the unit to be tailored to suit the individual requirements.
Compatible with standard 100mm ducting for connection to internal grilles and external cowl.
The unit comes fitted with a single 2-speed motor, and provides continuous low volume ventilation with a boost option. A variety of control devices are available for manual or automatic speed control.
An integral heat exchanger transfers heat from the outgoing stale air to the fresh air supply, raising the supply air temperature whilst at the same time reducing its relative humidity.
Up to 18l/s FID capacity. The unit provides superior control of condensation and odours, ideal for bathrooms or small internal rooms.