Ecodesign requirements for electric motors.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 640/2009
implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament.
- The regulation applies to all applicable motors placed on the market from 16th June 2011 onwards. From that date all such motors shall not be less efficient than IE2.
- Applicable motors are all squirrel cage, 3 phase ac induction motors with a shaft (output) power above 0.75 kW and up to 375 kW.
- ‘Placing on the market’ means making an individual product available for the first time on the Community market, with a view to its distribution or use within the Community whether for reward or free of charge and irrespective of the selling technique. It must be transferred from the manufacturing process to be available for sale.
- Individual motors that are available for sale (whether sold or not) prior to the above date do not have to comply with this regulation.
- Some motors are exempt from the regulation, these include:
- Motors that can not be separated from what they are driving, e.g. an external rotor motor/impeller where the motor rotor is an integral part of the fan itself.
- Motors designed to operate in an ambient of greater than 40C.
- Motors for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres as defined in Directive 94/9/EC.
- From 1st January 2015 all applicable motors from 7.5 kW to 375 kW shall not be less efficient than IE3, or be to IE2 and have a frequency inverter.
- From 1st January 2017 all applicable motors from 0.75 kW to 375 kW shall not be less efficient than IE3, or be to IE2 and have a frequency inverter.
- The nominal minimum efficiency for each rated output power band are given in tables for both IE2 and IE3 levels.
- A label on the motor itself must display the efficiency at 100%, 75% and 50% rated load, the IE2 or IE3 efficiency level, and the year of manufacture.
- A further nine pieces of data are to be available via the motor manufacturer’s website and the motors Technical File.
- Clarification of identification required for exempt motors – waiting for details from DECC.
- The definitions of IE1, IE2 and IE3 and the means of measuring the same are covered in BS EN 60334-30.
The full text can be found by clicking here
Lee Austin
Group Product Development Manager